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Intelligent call recording for call centers

Call center leaders are racing to decrease costs while providing superior customer service. This task is tougher than ever in today's call centers.


So, what steps can you take to deliver an exceptional customer experience (CX) and gain a competitive advantage? The organizations that excel are those that embrace these two best practices:


- Moving beyond traditional workforce optimization (WFO)

- Investing in contact center automation


It's crucial to implement contact center solutions that enable you to excel in these practices if you want to maintain a competitive edge.


With our recording solutions, you can optimize call center recording, easily evaluate service quality, access real-time analytics to see agent performance and enhance customer experience.


Contact us today to learn about our solutions explicitly created to optimize call center recording and management.

Facilitate compliance, reduce risk, & enhance customer service with advanced call recording and archival management

Verint Audiolog is an advanced digital call recording, evaluation, and archiving solution designed to facilitate compliance, reduce risk, increase process efficiencies, and enhance customer service.


Backed by Verint’s industry-leading patent portfolio on recording, Audiolog offers full-time, on-demand, scheduled, and criteria-driven recording, along with rapid access to captured interactions to help expedite dispute resolution and reduce liability. Its flexible storage capabilities allow large volumes of calls to be retained using industry-standard storage technologies. Customizable evaluation forms, powerful interactive assessment tools, and synchronized audio and screen replay can help increase supervisor productivity and enhance agent performance.


Built on thousands of successful implementations, Audiolog helps contact centers optimize their service quality and improve operational effectiveness — reliably, securely, and cost-effectively.